Consignment Security Declaration (CSD)
A Common Standard for CSD
The Consignment Security Declaration (CSD) provides regulators an audit trail of how, when and by whom cargo has been secured along the supply chain.
The objective of the CSD is to meet ICAO requirements to “ensure that each consignment tendered to an aircraft operator or a regulated agent is accompanied by documentation, either on the air waybill or a separate declaration” that is being implemented in more and more countries.
To avoid plethora of different security declarations, IATA – in cooperation with the industry and regulators – developed a standard CSD.
More information on the Standard Consignment Security Declaration – FAQ (pdf)
Electronic CSD (e-CSD)
The e-CSD enables replacement of the paper CSD by electronic means. It allows operators to exchange and archive security information electronically ensuring that only secure cargo is flown.
The e-CSD can be audited by regulators at any point in the supply-chain and reproduced on paper form from electronic records.
Download useful documentation:
- e-CSD functional specifications (pdf)
- Notice of Amendment for Cargo-IMP (pdf)
- e-CSD Completion Instructions(pdf)
Standard CSD Layout
Authorities that do not yet accept the e-CSD could accept the standard paper CSD layout. It can also be used in countries where an electronic transmission of security information is not yet possible.
The standard paper CSD layout is:
- Compliant with required security information
- Acceptable to regulators internationally
- Applicable for direct and consolidation shipments
- Useable for all regulated agents (at house & master)
- Able to include ad-hoc country textual statements e.g. emergency amendments
Download useful documentation:
- Standard Consignment Security Declaration Layout (pdf)
- Recommended Practice 1630 (pdf) – The revised RP1630 includes the consignment securtiy declaration specifications, and also the completion example and instructions.
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